We are in Hartwell, Bowersville, Dewyrose, Reed Creek, and Canon every week. One call and we come out. We are your local Professionals. No problem too small for us to fix for you. Enjoy some peace of mind and let us take care of that leaky faucet or the outlet that sparks a little when you use it. We want your handyman business and try hard to prove that with every repair or visit. We know what your home goes through in North East Georgia because our homes are there too. Call the professionals you know. Call HHS.
HHS Consumer Tip
Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes in Your Home:
Dealing with frozen water pipes in your home is costly and inconvenient. Fortunately there are preventive steps you can take to help avoid frozen water pipes at your house.
During freezing weather keep your thermostat at 55 degrees or higher, even when you are not at home.
Insulate pipes and faucets on the outside walls of your home or in unheated areas.
When the outside temperature is below freezing, open cabinet doors inside your house under the sinks to allow warm air to circulate near water pipes.
During extreme outside weather, allow inside faucets to drip slowly. But keep this caution in mind: allowing water to run through any faucet will increase water usage on your utility bill.
Know exactly where to locate your water shut-off valve in case you need to shut off the water immediately.
Franklin County Handyman services
Let Hartwell Hanyman Services Winterize your pipes and never give them a second thought.
We do it right the first time.
Insulating Pipes and Heat Tape
Installing heat tape to water pipes isn’t hard but it does require preparation and some forethought. We will choose the proper heat tape size and length and install it correctly. If you already have heat tape, let us check it for you. New electric heat tapes help prevent fires, the older heat tape installed before might let you down at the wrong moment.